NCAS Computational Modelling Services


Unified Model on ARCHER2

CMS have installed UM versions 7.3, 8.4, 10.7, 11.1+, 12.x & 13.x on ARCHER2

Getting Started

Several setup steps are required before running the UM for the first time on ARCHER2:

For those that have never run the UM before:

  • Register for an n02 ARCHER2 account.
  • Register for a PUMA2 account via SAFE.
  • Setup your PUMA and ARCHER2 environments by following the set up instructions in our online training.

For those that have previously run the UM on ARCHER:

  • Register for an ARCHER2 account.
  • Setup your ARCHER2 environment. Ensure you have the following line in your ~/.bash_profile on ARCHER2:
    . /work/y07/shared/umshared/bin/rose-um-env-puma2
    Note: the path change from ARCHER.

UMDIR (umshared)

All UM data and software is installed centrally under /work/y07/shared/umshared.

UKCA input files that used to be under /work/n02/n02/ukca on ARCHER now reside under /work/y07/shared/umshared/ukca.

Users may set UMDIR in their ~/.bash_profile but remember that batch jobs can’t see /home and therefore will not source any scripts that reside there.

Standard Suites

CMS maintain a number of standard suite configuations on ARCHER2. All standard suites available are detailed on the UM Configurations page.


The performance of various standard configurations on ARCHER can be found on the performance page.