NCAS Computational Modelling Services

Cylc 8

Cylc 8 on PUMA2 and ARCHER2

Cylc 8 is available on PUMA2 and ARCHER2, but we are still in the process of testing, porting key workflows, and developing user documentation. We are also working on deploying the web-based GUI.

At this stage the software configuration is still subject to change.

See the links below for further information on Cylc 8. Report any issues to the helpdesk.


Cylc 8 replaces the Python 2 based Cylc 7 software. It is a complete rewrite in Python 3 and contains many changes from Cylc 7, so we encourage you to look at the documentation.

Useful links:

Note that in Cylc 8 terminology “suites” have become “workflows”.

ARCHER2 workflows

Cylc-8 workflows available on ARCHER2:

Cylc 8 idCylc 7 idUM versionDescription
u-dj397u-cc51913.0N48 GA6 (training suite)

See the instructions for migrating an ARCHER2 Cylc 7 suite to Cylc 8.

Using Cylc 8 on PUMA2 and ARCHER2

Setting the Cylc version

Set the Cylc version in the terminal:


You should be able to do this alongside any Cylc 7 suites you have running.

Assuming you have set up your ARCHER2 environment (and JASMIN if required) to have Cylc 7 available, you should not need to make any further changes. The workflow will simply pick up the appropriate Cylc version when it runs.

Running a workflow

To run a simple test, checkout u-dj397

rosie co u-dj397

Set your username and project account in rose-suite.conf or in the GUI via rose edit.

Run the workflow with:

cylc vip 

Launch the terminal user interface to check on progress:

cylc tui u-dj397

See the Cylc 8 cheat sheet for an overview of Cylc 8 commands.

Further information


Tasks are assigned a “platform”, which combines the host and job running method. See the Cylc 8 platform documentation for details.

On PUMA2 the following platforms are available:

  • PUMA2:
    • localhost : background job
  • ARCHER2:
    • archer2 : Slurm job
    • archer2-bg : background on random login node
    • ln0[1-4] : background job on specific login node
  • ARCHER2 with the cylc-run/runN/ share/ and work/ directories symlinked to the NVMe file system:
    • archer2-nvme : Slurm job
    • archer2-nvme-bg : background on random login node
    • ln0[1-4]-nvme : background job on specific login node

Jasmin notes:

  • Multiplexing is no longer needed to submit jobs to Jasmin.
  • You will need to configure your ssh config file to be able to access the sci servers from puma2.
  • You should not need to set the cylc path in your Jasmin .bash_profile or equivalent (not tested).

You can test submission to each of the platforms with the workflow u-dj398.

Using the web-based UI with port-forwarding

Copying the instructions documented here

First open an ssh tunnel, so that a given port on your local machine (e.g. your laptop) maps to the Cylc UI Server’s port on the HPC. On your local machine, type

$ ssh -N -L PORT:localhost:PORT HOST

where PORT is a valid port number and HOST is on the HPC. You will need to know the range of allowed ports (e.g.1024-49151). Choose any number in this range but make sure your port number is fairly unique to avoid clashing with other users. (Note the option -N opens the connection without logging you into the shell).

Then ssh to the host:

$ ssh HOST

and add the following to $HOME/.cylc/uiserver/ on the HOST.


where PORT and HOST match the values you selected when opening the ssh tunnel.

You’re now ready to fire up the web graphical interface

$ cylc gui

Just copy the URL that looks like

into your web browser. (Again substitute HOST and PORT with the values chosen above.) Note that each user needs a unique port number.