NCAS Computational Modelling Services


Current Projects

CMS provides direct-funded and un-funded support for a range of projects.


  • ESiWACE2

    Excellence in Simulation of Weather and Climate in Europe


    Exascale Computing ALgorithms and Infrastructures Benefiting UK Research

  • High Resolution Climate Modelling

    The HRCM project is a long-standing collaborative project between the Met Office Hadley Centre and NCAS to use the global NWP model for climate simulations.

  • Hydro-JULES

    Hydro-JULES will deliver an open-source, three dimensional model of the terrestrial water cycle to provide next generation land-surface and hydrological predictions.

  • IS-ENES3

    Infrastructure for the European Network for the Earth System Modelling – Phase 3


  • CF Compliance Checker

    Development and Maintenance of the CF Checker tool which checks netCDF files comply with the CF conformance requirements and recommendations.

  • cf-plot and cf-view

    cf-plot and cf-view are visualisation tools for the plotting and exploration of data from the environmental, earth and aligned sciences.

  • cf-python

    cf-python, the Python cf package, is an Earth Science data analysis library that is built on a complete implementation of the CF data model.

  • UKCA

    The United Kingdom Chemistry and Aerosols project is a collaboration between the universities of Cambridge, Leeds, Oxford, and the Met Office. Its objective is to develop, evaluate and make available a new UK community atmospheric chemistry-aerosol global model suitable for a range of topics in climate and environmental change research.