NCAS Computational Modelling Services

Unified Model

Performance of Standard UM Configurations

Performance figures for a variety of standard UM configurations on ARCHER2.

Global Atmosphere

Suite__idDescriptionUM VersionDate RunDecomposition*Length of run (days)Dump Frequency (days)Wallclock (h:m)Data output vol (GB)CommentCost/model-yrSYPDCHSY
u-bo026GA7 N512 AMIP11.402/21A:32x32x2 (26) (80ppn)1100:13  1800 CU (2.7MAU)0.32499,200
       00:25  3600 CU  
u-bs251GA7 N96 AMIP11.601/21A:16x12x2 (3)303000:3019 18 CU4 
u-cd936GA7.2.1 N128011.605/21A:96x64x2 + 2 IOS (96)303007:54524Avg over 1 yr run.9,424 CU**0.251,206,736

* A = Atmos (EWxNSxOMP) (nodes)
** CU calculation for N1280 includes model failures.
Note: SYPD extrapolated from shorter runs.


Suite__idDescriptionUM VersionDate RunDecomposition*Length of run (days)Dump Frequency (days)Wallclock (h:m)Data output vol (GB)CommentCost/model-yrSYPDCHSY
u-cb151GC4 N96 ORCA02511.601/21A:32x20x1 O:32x20x1 X:6 (5:5:1)303001:1043 151 CU1.6 
u-cb431MetUM-GOML N21610.309/21A:32x24x2 O:64 (12:1)301001:1094 182 CU1.67 
u-cn134GC3.1 N216 ORCA02511.602/23A:32x32x2 O:32x36x1 X:24 (16:9:6)903003:45126 240 CU  
u-cy010GC5 N216 ORCA02513.208/23A:64x16x2 O:397 procs X:6 (16:4:1)303000:49 Land Suppression203 CU2.4726082

* A = Atmos (EWxNSxOMP), O = Ocean (EWxNS), X = XIOS processes (nodes)
Note: SYPD extrapolated from shorter runs.


Suite__idDescriptionUM VersionDate RunDecomposition*Length of run (days)Dump Frequency (days)Wallclock (h:m)Data output vol (GB)CommentCost/model-yrSYPDCHSY
u-bz764UKESM1 pre-industrial11.212/20A:32x18x2 O:12x9 X:8 (9:1:1)909001:41103 73.3 CU (135kAU)3.759349
u-be303UKESM AMIP11.112/20A:16x16x2 (4)909002:4280OOMs on 1 thread43.2 CU (82.9kAU)2.3 
u-be303UKESM AMIP11.112/20A:32x18x2 (9)909001:3280 54 CU (103kAU)4 

* A = Atmos (EWxNSxOMP), O = Ocean (EWxNS), X = XIOS processes (nodes)
Note: SYPD extrapolated from shorter runs.

GC5 Performance Graph

GC5 Performance Graph Plot Produced by Maarlon Fernandez (Nuffield Research Student August 2023)