cd metomi-vms
Edit Vagrantfile.ubuntu-1804
and remove desktop from
config.vm.provision :shell, path: "", args: "ubuntu 1804 desktop mosrs"
so it looks like
config.vm.provision :shell, path: "", args: "ubuntu 1804 mosrs"
and remove the line
v.gui = true
Start the VM with
vagrant up
Have a coffee while it builds. When it completes, you should now be able to log onto the VM with
vagrant ssh
You will be asked for your MOSRS password and username (in the order).
While logged onto the VM, complete the installation with
sudo apt-get install xauth
and log out and back on again.
The VM is started with vagrant up
, accessed by vagrant ssh
, halted with vagrant halt
and deleted with vagrant destroy
Install Virtualbox and Vagrant
Download and install git for windows. Open a command window and
git clone
and cd in the metomi-vms directory
Build the VM with
vagrant up
A Virtualbox window will appear, but ignore this. Have a coffee while it builds.
Start the VM with
vagrant up
A window will appear with the VM and a terminal window open. You will be asked for your MOSRS password and username (in the order).
Note: the following assumes that UM vn11.3 is required, if a different version is needed, replace 11.3 with that version number.
Install addition software packages.
sudo install-um-extras -v 11.3
Install additional UM software.
um-setup -s fcm:shumlib.x_tr@um11.3
Install UM data
Install UM Metadata
Install UM vn11.3
fcm checkout fcm:um.x/trunk@vn11.3 UM11.3
cd UM11.3
rose stem --group=install -S CENTRAL_INSTALL=true
This will start a rose stem suite to install various input files. The UM installation is now complete.
Start Rosie
rosie go &
Set up the MOSRS repo by clicking on Edit->Data source
and selecting the Met Office’s repo.
Search for u-br462
and make a copy.
Load the job, and run the suite.