Unified Model
Test page in subdirectory
Standard configurations are available either as example jobs in the UMUI or Rose suites in the MOSRS rosie-u repository.
The HadGEM2 family of climate models represents the second generation of HadGEM configurations, with additional functionality including a well-resolved stratosphere and Earth System components.
HadGEM2 (Earth System, Carbon-Cycle, Coupled and AMIP configurations)
The HadGEM3 family of models comprises a range of specific model configurations incorporating different levels of complexity but with a common physical framework. The HadGEM3 family includes a coupled atmosphere-ocean configuration, with or without a vertical extension in the atmosphere to include a well-resolved stratosphere, and an Earth-System configuration which includes dynamic vegetation, ocean biology and atmospheric chemistry.
Global Atmosphere 6.0/Global Coupled 2.0
Global Atmosphere 6.0/Global Coupled 2.0
UKESM1 is the first release of the UK Earth System Model. Built as a joint venture by the Met Office Hadley Centre and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), UKESM1 consists of the HadGEM3 coupled physical climate model (see [#HadGEM3 above]) plus additional components that model key biogeochemical, chemistry, aerosol and vegetation processes. More details about UKESM1 and how to access it are available here.
The performance of various standard configurations on ARCHER can be found on the performance page.